A B2B marketplace offering software solutions to recruitment marketers built from scratch

Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.

We designed and built a two-sided solutions marketplace for RecruitmentMarketing.com from the ground up in 90 days.

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Back-end engineering

Front-end engineering

UI/UX Design

Product management

Delivery management

Product Analytics


Mixpanel Logo
Ruby on Rails Logo
Ruby on Rails
React Logo
Figma Logo
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.

Product Strategy

We kicked off this engagement collaborating with RMC on their strategic road map. As a mainstay in this space, they already had brand capital and a prominent domain, but they were looking to increase their competitive edge with a two-sided marketplace connecting recruitment marketing professionals with software solutions. With a 90-day delivery timeline, we moved swiftly to prioritize the build, set strategic milestones for development, and finalized the vision for the launch of this product.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.

Product Design

Working in weekly sprints, we crafted an intuitive UX that blended RMC’s established branding with a clean marketplace layout. Our team developed a new design system that we used to visualize key screens, page components, and behavioral features that would function site-wide. Our weekly sprint cadence enabled us to deliver designs on a continuous basis to gather client feedback and make adjustments swiftly as needed. Knowing RMC would be listing thousands of solutions for visitors to the marketplace, we focused on designing an experience that would be both robust and straightforward, allowing customers to feel confident about finding what they were looking for.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.

Product Engineering

While designs were in progress, we began architecting the backend of the marketplace and building out templates for each screen on the frontend. Our aggressive deadline pushed us to prioritize effectively and stay focused in order to deliver on time, and our Agile approach allowed us to develop designs as they were approved to deliver completed features to the client on a weekly basis for review. We were able to successfully launch the marketplace by the target date and continued our partnership with RMC by designing and building post-launch enhancements, including a solution comparison tool, an analytics dashboard, and functionality for solutions to add marketing assets to their show pages. With this marketplace, RMC has been able to expand their brand to provide further services to employers and marketing professionals that bolster their efforts and increase their levels of success.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.
Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.Mockups of UI designs for RMC on desktop, tablet, and mobile breakpoints.

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